Join the Circle of Friends!

Start a recurring donation or make a one-time donation today!

Recurring Donations 👇

Beautify Madison Park

Our current campaign Beautify Madison Park is a Friends of Madison Park campaign to fund 20 flowering containers along the Madison Park business area - to purchase planters with year round evergreen and annual plantings and their maintenance. Please support today!

One-Time Donations 👇

Custom Donation Amount

Donate with Venmo!

Venmo account: @friendsofmadisonpark

Donate by Check

To: Friends of Madison Park

PO BOX 48, 4111 E Madison St #2
Seattle, WA 98112

Recurring donations are processed through You may adjust or stop the recurring donation at any time.

Friends of Madison Park is a non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)3 status, your donation will qualify as a deductible charitable contribution to the extent the law provides.

Official Entity Name: Madison Park Community Council dba Friends of Madison Park

Federal Tax ID: 91-1057136

Thank you for your support!